This version provides the stable function Faust.optimize_time() to optimize the calculation of Faust products (Faust full array or Faust-matrix product).
This function allows big speedups on certain Fausts as shown in the two examples below (where the speedups reach one order of magnitude).
Note: for a matter of reproducibility the .mat files F_GREEDY.mat, M_GREEDY.mat, F_DYNPROG.mat and M_DYNPROG.mat are provided in the faust data archive delivered by the matfaust or pyfaust packages (with auto-downloading if needed).
For further information about Faust.optimize_time you can look at the documentation for pyfaust or matfaust.
NOTE: the GREEDY optimization method was abandonned since FAµST 3.6.1 (cf. FAµST 3.6.3 news).